Keep Healthy

Here is a preview of the Keep Healthy Activity Book

Our resources are great tools for teachers and parents to entertain, engage, educate and empower children and all available for free to our members!



Register or Login and download the full activity book as well as its teachers/parents guides and our amazing posters!

Wash Wash Challenge Posters

Parent's Leaflet

Teachers' Guides

KS1 Teachers' Guide

KS2 Teachers' Guide

Prep to Elementary 1 - Australia

Elementary 2 to 5 - Australia

“Footkin’s story is fantastic, he’s a fabulous ambassador for all things eco and is sure to inspire children of all ages to live a more fun and sustainable life!”

Dr. Morgan Phillips,
Former Education Manager,
Keep Britain Tidy / Eco-Schools

"Footkin’s activity books cover all the Eco-Schools sustainability topics and are a fun and engaging way to introduce students to environmental issues"

Marina Antoniozzi,
Nations Programs Manager,
Keep Australia Beautiful / Eco-Schools Australia